
Showing posts from December, 2018

Beta - "Past the Limits"

It has finally come to the point we have all been waiting for... THE GAME IS FINISHED. Im so happy o have completed my game "Past the Limits"... well i sort of completed it. I was able to to do the main parts that i was aiming for but due to the time shortage i had, i wasn't able to add a title screen and extra tracks. My game went vert well i think and i'm very happy with the outcome. It's a very enjoyable game to play. I added the second player and created waypoints for the opponent to follow in order to have an actual competition. Throughout this module there has been stressful times. especially tiring to remember to do the blog posts and weekend work on time while trying to balance the 100 other assignments we'd get at once. It definitely wasn't easy at all but we got there in the ned, we survived. For the most part minus the assignments, i found this module really enjoyable. I like following tutorials and seeing how games are made. i enjoyed being...

Unity Free Tutorials

This week i found and watched tutorials on how to create and add an opponent to my game using a waypoint system. By adding the other car, The player can now fully see what the game will look like in the end and fully get a feel for the overall look of the game. When i first added the second car into the game, it only went around in circles so i had to change a few settings on it. I then started to add trackers on to the course which will tell the AI car where to go when it passes through them. In order to create the trackers for the car, i added cubes along the track and then wrote a script that will then tell the AI car to go to these points on the course. In order for it to work i then had to drag the script onto the mark01 cube which will then allow all cubes/ trackers to work. In the next tutorial i hope to add colour to both cars and hopefully add a opening title screen which will show the game name and which levels there are. "AI Car"